This has been developed and published by Keen Software House, based in the Czech republic. Space engineer is a sandbox game with a play regarding planets, spaceships, and other worth’s outside the earth. Blueprints help the players with backup, fixing out the existing designs, or taking to other worlds and promoting with people. It holds various levels where one finds many steps to cross in building up a good one. Space Engineers is a game of making up creative surroundings in the space for the given space station of the players. Creating a Blueprint and finding the location of it is very easy and comfortable. With these Blueprints, the player can identify what they have built when their building is destructed. Space Engineer Blueprint helps the players to create their own buildings. The progress of new creative thoughts brings about great inventions in the fields of fantasy video games. Seldom games are considered as quite boring whereas maximum number has filled with uncountable creative ideas. Most deeply loved ones may even have an impact on their lives too.
Video games create a kind of fantasy situation in the brains of players.